There are a Lot of People Who Don’t Like to Camp
People either love to go camping, or they hate it. We know there are inconveniences when camping but, the good has always outweighed the bad and it’s something we really enjoy. In order to understand the reasons people hate camping, we asked a bunch of non-campers just what it is about it that they don’t like.
We found that the main reason people don’t like to go camping is that they don’t see the point in it. Leaving the luxuries of home like a comfortable bed, air conditioning, and showers doesn’t feel like a vacation to them. They’d rather spend their time off doing something else.
There were a range of answers that fell into these 10 top categories. We told you all the reasons people love camping. Now, let’s find out what people don’t like about it. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising revenues by advertising and linking to This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.
10 Reasons People Don’t Like to Go Camping
Here are the main reasons people gave us as to why they hate camping. These are in no particular order. If you are at odds with someone who doesn’t like to go camping, hopefully this list will explain why some people just don’t like it.
1. They don’t like being outdoors.
Not being outdoorsy deters a lot of people from wanting to go camping. Besides being in your tent or camper, you are outside the whole time. A lot of people said they just don’t love being outdoors, and therefore, don’t want to camp.
2. Sleeping in a tent doesn’t appeal to them.
A lot of people said that sleeping on the ground in a tent is the reason they don’t want to camp. Not only is it hard for them to get comfortable with just a sleeping bag on the ground, the noise of the outdoors and the sunlight beaming into the tent keeps them up.
3. The thought of bears and other predators scares them.
Many people who don’t like camping said that they don’t want to be near predators like bears. A lot of people said they have a fear of other animals, like snakes, and that they would rather avoid putting themselves in their path.

4. Being eaten by bugs isn’t for them.
One person said they just hate the smell of bug spray and we agree it isn’t pleasant. Many responses said that people hate getting eaten by the insects you run into while camping. Mainly mosquitoes.
5. Not being able to control the temperature can be uncomfortable.
Being too hot or too cold deters many from going camping. They can easily adjust the temperature at home to be perfectly comfortable and they don’t want to give that up.
6. Going to the bathroom in the woods is not as easy as going at home.
Going to the bathroom while camping is really not a great experience. There may be a smelly outhouse for you to use. If not, you are left finding a spot to go and hoping no one will walk up on you while you’re in the middle of doing your business.
7. Keeping food and eating is a hassle.
We saw a lot of complaints about trying to keep food cold. They said that after a while, their ice melts and gets all of the food wet and they are left with a mess. Also, many said they’d rather not have to cook things over the fire.
Psst. We think that using our campfire cooking kit list would help with this.
8. Other campers are too close or loud and obnoxious.
Some people said they just don’t like being close to other campers. There isn’t enough privacy for them. Plus, if you are next to a loud group who are up all night partying, it can be annoying.

9. Being dirty without a place to shower is no fun.
One of the best feelings is taking a hot shower when you get home from camping. So we can see why people said not having a shower while camping is what makes it suck for them.
Psst. they do make camp showers but, we understand.
10. They don’t want to give up their electronics and internet.
Many admitted that their love of phones and other electronics was the main reason they don’t want to spend a bunch of time off the grid. They like to stay connected and don’t want to give up communication with others, TV shows, and other media.
It’s Okay That Some People Don’t Like to Camp
It’s hard for people who love to camp not to try to push others that don’t like it into camping anyways. When you love something, like chocolate cake, you want other people to taste it and love it too.
We can solve a lot of the complaints people had about not liking to camp. Packing the right things can make you more comfortable while camping. For example, you can sleep in a blackout tent to avoid the sun shining in your face in the morning.
However, some people would just rather not go camping. The above list shows some pretty valid reasons why some would rather spend their vacation time doing something else.

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